Monday, October 1, 2012

Ben & Jerry's and The Trapp Family Lodge

A covered bridge on our drive from North Conway, New Hampshire to Williamsburg, Vermont.
Yes, lots more color today even with the rain!

There are lots of houses attached to the barns. Says something for the kind of winters they have around here!

We got to see a cider press at work. He's spreading chopped up McIntosh apples on this tray (one of 12) and will wrap the cloth around it so the apples won't spill out.

The apples are then put into the press for about 30 minutes to get all the juice out.

Can you see all the juice flowing out of the apples?

The highlight of the day. We had a buffet lunch at the Trapp Family Lodge.

This is the front of the Lodge.

The entrance. I think this means "God is good." It was the common greeting in Bavaria too.

A private graveyard is on the property. This is the grave of the Captain, who died in 1947, and Maria, who died in 1987.
This is the side of the lodge from the small graveyard.

Our cute tour guide, Carla Von Trapp (yes, she's the great-granddaughter of the Captain & Maria.) She's a professional skier and lives in Colorado, but comes "home" every Fall. She said there are over 200 Von Trapps now and about 100 live around Stowe, Vermont.
This is the site that greeted us as we came down the hill from the graveyard to the bus in front of the Lodge. WOW!

The sun came out just long enough to get a few pictures across the valley and give us the spectacular rainbow. We had a really great day and the lunch and the guided tour and stories were told by Carla were really cool to experience. Jane I did think about you and I got two books from the bookstore which I'll send to you after I've read them.

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