Friday, March 29, 2013

Grand Ol Opry

We got to go to the Opry twice this week. Tonight Little Jimmy Dickens was on. He's been I'll so this is his first appearance this year. He's 92 years young! What a great night and a great line up! We're having a great time on Nashville!!!

The General Jackson

We got to take a dinner cruise on the General Jackson last night. We cruised on the Cumberland River and we got to see downtown Nashville at night. They had a really great show highlighting the distinct music from each of the three areas in Tennessee. There were music students from two high schools in Pennsylvania in the audience and the teacher's and some of the students got to get up and demonstrate the Gunky Cjicken . We thought of John!! Tonight we're going to the Opry again. It's a really cool experience.

Thursday, March 28, 2013

Tuscumbia, Alabama

We got to visit Helen Keller's birthplace in Tuscumbia last week. Pretty cool to see the actual dining room where Annie locked Helen in, the fountain where she said her first words and the house she was born in and lived with Annie in (Howard's standing out front.) Pretty cool visit. I got a nice new winter coat while we were in the area and we had lunch at a "good oil' down home restaurant where the owner can to our table and visited with us for quite a while. The coat has come in very handy. We about froze for a few days in Nashville! There are some hardy folks here though--there were three tents set up when we got here. Very brave souls!!