Friday, October 24, 2008

We are South!!

No pictures yet, but we made it to Phoenix. It was 86 today with a forcasted low of 45. We can handle this! We got to go over to Brian's house tonight. He has several projects he wants his Dad to do while we're here. We took 3 days to drive down from Burley. That gave us time to stop several times: like Camping World in Henderson, NV (our favorite store), and Grocery shopping in St. George to restock our refridgerator and pantry. Hopefully I'll have pictures soon. Tomorrow we're going to try to get to the Flea Market in Mesa, its supposed to be the largest in the world. I'll take my camera!!

Monday, October 20, 2008

She has a name!

She has a name: Claire Marie Jones. She gets her name from my Dad's middle name (Clair) and her paternal Great-Grandmother's middle name and her Aunt Loriann's middle name.
Karson thinks she's pretty cool. I think he likes being a big brother, he's really cute with her. He thinks she make cool, funny noises somethimes.
Kate's favorite sentences: "Hold the baby?!" "Change her diaper?!" She's really cute with Claire, she's always been baby crazy and she just loves this new baby.
Yes, Grandma and Grandpa have gotten to hold her too! We'll miss these three TONS!!! We're pulling out tomorrow and heading toward Phoenix. It will be hard to be away and not see these grandchildren for a long time!!!

Wednesday, October 15, 2008

New Baby!!!!!

She arrived about 6:45 last night and we took these pictures about 7:30! Kate and Karson were so excited, Kate kept wanting to hold the baby. She's so little and so cute. Mom and baby are doing fine. We get to take big brother and sister up to see Mommy and baby again today. She weighed 6 pounds 15 ounces. Name? They're not sure yet.

Saturday, October 11, 2008

Slow Snowbirds!!!!!!!

Yes, we're late moving south AND snow came early to Burley!!!!! We are staying warm and comfy inside, but "Baby its cold outside!" The baby hasn't come yet and it's supposed to warm up to the 50s next week so we'll just weather this through. We decided we understand "cabin
fever" better now, our RV isn't much bigger than a cabin would have been for the pioneers. They were definitely of sterner stock than we are! At least we have hot water and a good furnace and insulation in the walls and floors. We're praying this baby comes SOON. . . . . . (By the way, we think the accumulation is about 6-8 inches, but it's still snowing and blowing here.)

Thursday, October 9, 2008

Waiting in Burley

We're in Burley waiting for our new granddaughter. We went to their fun park with Jenn, Karson, and Kate. It's been fun being able to spend time with the kids. On Sunday they came to our RV to watch conference and eat lunch. The RV is much smaller with 4 adults and a 2 and 4 year old, but it was fun. They went to their other grandparents house for afternoon so the kids could nap. We're hoping the baby comes soon -- cold weather is coming!!!!!! Howard is getting to help Jason with the house so we're staying busy. We miss everyone in Moscow. It's fun to travel and visit, but we miss friends.