Cabbage Hill is the fun hill going from LaGrande, OR to Pendleton, OR. It's not as bad as it looks though. On a clear day you can see Mt. Adams from here.
It was a windy, nasty drive into the Gorge when we drove over to Welches (on the south side of Mt. Hood) for the Allegro Club Rally the first part of June.

One of the first glimpses of Mt. Hood from I-84 heading towards The Dalles. It's quite a site!

At Hood River, Oregon, we turned left and drove on Hwy 35 south to US 26. The highway winds around the base of Mt. Hood and is really pretty. Yes, there was still a lot of snow on both sides of the road, but none on the road. This picture was taken going through the Hood River Valley going south.

This was taken going through the Hood River Valley going north. This is Mt. Adams (in Washington). It was taken really close to where the above picture was taken. What a beautiful valley!
The Dam at The Dalles was really letting the water through. When we drove over the rivers were really high all over the northwest. Makes you realize the power in water!

The Columbia River was running pretty high, no high water marks on the river. It's a pretty river even with no trees on this part of the river.

We camped in Baker City on our way home from the Rally and the next morning we woke up to this view out our front window! (We couldn't see it the night before because it was snowing up on the peaks so they had disappeared.)

I liked this shot going through eastern Oregon and looking at the switchbacks going up the mountain ahead. Looks like real fun doesn't it?

Farewell Bend on the Snake River, where the Oregon Trail finally left the Snake River after following it almost all the way through Idaho. This is also close to the point where we said goodbye to Oregon. We had a really good time at the Rally and of course I didn't get any pictures of the Rally itself and/or the cool people we met there! I keep saying I'll do better, but not yet.
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