We camped in Keokuk, Iowa. The owner of the RV park suggested we drive on the Iowa side of the river to Fort Monroe, cross the river and drive down to Nauvoo. We did and it was a beautiful drive! This is a shot of the widest spot on the Mississippi River. That little spot out in the middle is a huge barge.

Driving along in Iowa we passed through Montrose. This is the view of the Nauvoo Temple from Montrose. You can see the temple for miles either way along the river, it really does dominate. It's really beautiful.

The Nauvoo Temple with a statue of Joseph and Hyrum. We got to Nauvoo late on Friday, but the Visitor's Center was still open so we got to go through it. We got to see the new film about the life of Joseph Smith. It was a really good film and good to see again. We also got to get tickets for the Rendezvous program that night that is put on by the missionaries. It was really fun! We got to have dinner in the Nauvoo Hotel during the time between the Visitor's Center and the play. It was a good evening.

The Nauvoo Temple is beautiful. If you are going to visit don't pick the day before it closes for two weeks for cleaning!! Needless to say I didn't get to go to a session. NEXT TIME!! We got to spend the weekend here, but it poured all day Saturday so we didn't get to go anywhere. We went to the branch in Keokuk on Sunday and watched the rain all afternoon! It is finally slowing down now (7 p.m.) It is a beautiful area to visit and so much history. It is a very special place!! Nauvoo really is beautiful!!
What a beautiful temple! Sounds like you guys had a great time!
Beautiful pictures! Looks so fun!
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