Monday, November 24, 2008

Forgot the camera!!

New rule for the Gossage Duo: No matter what we're going to do, we WILL take the camera!

We left the RV this morning to run to WalMart. Decided to go to a fresh produce stand on our way. When we left the produce stand, we decided to check out where the Farmer's Market is every Saturday morning. We found it and we also found the visitor's center and manatee observation tower. We decided that since the visitor's center was closed, we would check out the tower. We're not sure how many manatee we saw in the 15 - 20 minutes we watched! It was pretty neat though. They were really close (about 25 - 30 feet away) and came up every minute or so for air. That was cool! After leaving there, we saw a bridge over the intercoastal so we decided to see where that took us. We drove several miles on the island until we came to a Y in the road. One end was a dead end, but we had to see where it went! It went to a spot where a river flows into the Atlantic. We were walking out to the end of the breaks and as we passed a fish cleaning station, we passed three big pelicans so close we could almost reach out and touch them! (We soon discovered they were all along the breaks.)

So now we've seen 1 cardinal, 2 aligators, 2 turtles, 2 live armadillos, 1 bald eagle, ? manatee and 6-7 pelicans with no camera!!!!!! New rule ALWAYS TAKE YOUR CAMERA!