The early snow in the Burley area spooked us a bit, but we had a good visit with the kids. We had to leave early on Monday morning so we could get to Las Vegas for our concert date on Tuesday night. We drove almost all the way to St. George, UT on Monday. It was a long day, but worth it, on Tuesday we only had about 150 miles into Vegas.

The Wasatch also had a bit of snow, but I couldn't get a good shot of it. I did get this picture close to Cedar City, UT. There was quite a bit of snow more south than we thought there would be, but it made for a really pretty drive.

The canyon just south of St. George is actually in Arizona and the rock formations are really pretty. This canyon follows the Virgin River after it comes out of Zion National Park and before it flows into Lake Meade.

This picture actually shows a bit of the Virgin River. It's pretty muddy along here so it's not very pretty, but it is a bit of water, rare in these parts.

Yes, twelve miles out of Las Vegas we could see snow on the mountains in the distance! We could see it from Vegas too, but with all the buildings and traffic, this made a better picture.

Before the concert, we went out to dinner a a buffet in the Flamingo. We sat right next to a window and this was our view of the courtyard. Pretty cool. (Notice the fish in the water, too.)

Vegas at night is pretty spectacular. I took this picture from the parking garage next to the Flamingo right after the concert. It was a really good concert with lots of good songs.

Believe it or not, this is a picture of the new bridge over the Colorado at Hoover Dam. You can't even tell how high you are and if you're not paying attention, you can't even tell you're going over a bridge.

When we got to Kingman, we stopped and had lunch with a cousin of Howard's, who he hasn't seen for a long time. Then we rolled into Phoenix and got set up at Desert's Edge RV Park again. I had to get a picture of this little bird at our campsite. I've never seen a red bird except for cardinals in the south and midwest. Looks a bit like a cardinal, but I can't tell. We'll be here until the end of the month when we head east. Been a good trip so far with good visits with Brian and Grayson.