Just before we left Florida, Di brought the kids to bowl with us. We had a lot of fun and will hopefully get to go again next year when we're there.

Koby watching his ball go down the alley. He was very serious about all of this. He wants to do it again.

Dean would throw his ball and then run back to where we were standing. He thought this was great fun!

Di would help Tessa throw the ball, then Tessa would wave to the ball and say: "bye, bye ball" as it slowly went down the alley.

Good friends bowling: Sandy far left, Jack far right, Carl in front and Linda in back. We had lots of fun bowling both Monday and Wednesday league with these guys!

The Monday group! We had lots of fun on Mondays bowling with this group. We sure met and got to know a lot of neat people this year! We were sad to leave, but we had to make the trip west! We managed to avoid most of the weather. The closest we came to bad weather was when we were 50 miles west of St. Louis when the tornado hit the airport there.

This is a picture of western Nebraska. There was a storm coming from the west.

When we left Cheyenne, Wyoming we had to go over a pass between there and Laramie. This was what it looked like going over the pass. Not a lot sticking, but enough. We were starting to get REALLY cold about now!!!!

Driving through Utah was okay. There were storms over the mountains, but nothing where we were driving.

And into Idaho! Just on the horizon of this picture you can see the mountains to the north just covered with snow. There's still lots of snow up in the mountains here. I like the contrast in this picture with the desert and potato shed at the farm in the foreground and the mountains in the background. (It would have taken us about 2 hours to drive to the mountains in this picture. They are really far away.)

Mother's Day weekend is bitter-sweet this year with my Mom's passing only a few weeks ago. This is probably the first picture taken of our family: Dad & Mom, Kathy, me, Chuck & Jane. All of us kids will be here in Boise for Mother's Day this year so that will be good.

This is a really old picture! This was taken of Mom and I in Florida in 1977. We were all visiting my grandparents and decided to visit Disney World while we were there.

We had this picture taken last summer so this is the most recent picture of my Mom with my siblings. Mom was a very special lady. She had so many words of wisdom that I wish I'd written down through the years. She had a zest for living and really loved her family and friends. The greatest compliment I ever received was when I was working at Mercy Hospital and one of the ladies who worked there told me that I looked like my Dad and acted like my Mom. I hope I can be even half as caring and thoughtful as she was. I love her and I miss her.