We had a great visit in Boise! Jenn & the kids came up for a day this week and we went to the State Capital building to see the "new" building. This is Karson & Kate in one of the chambers.

After the tour we went out to lunch at a neat restaurant in downtown Boise. They had an old car set up as a booth. The kids loved it!

The next morning we went out to breakfast at our favorite spot in Meridian, the Sunrise Cafe. The favorite aunt with a very tired Claire and Kate.

Karson with one of his favorite buddies!

Jenn and Loriann looking at pictures. We also got to have dinner with Betsy's Mom and siblings several times. Had good visits with everyone and even got to hear Chuck practice the piano (it's been a long time since we've heard him play!) The last night we went to Epi's Basque Restaurant in Meridian. Really good food and even better company! After almost 3 weeks, we had to leave so we could get to Redmond, OR for an FMCA Rally.

BUT we only got to the Flying J in Caldwell!! We were parked in the RV Parking eating our breakfast when we heard a crunch. It was a fifth wheel saying "hi" to our CRV! We're not sure of the damage, but we've already talked to their insurance company and we'll probably have it fixed while we're in Oregon.

What a finale to very good visits with family for almost two months! We're looking forward to seeing our southern Idaho family when we travel through again on our way east in September.
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