On Friday, we drove down to Union Station in Washington, DC and then walked to the Smithsonian Museum. I thought this was a really pretty picture of the capital with the fountain.

The Museum we spent the most time in was the Air & Space Museum. There were a lot more exhibits since either Howard or I was here last. Howard was last here in 1966 and I was last here in 1986.

This is the Smithsonian Castle and Visitor's Center. We just walked through it to go to Printing and Engraving. On the way to Printing and Engraving, we stopped in the Holocaust Museum. It really makes you think and is worth several hours to go through.

We got to walk by the Washington Monument on our way to the Museum of American History.Lots of people, lots of cars and 85 degrees. In all we visited the American Indian Museum, Air & Space Museum, American History Museum, Printing & Engraving, and the Holocaust Museum. Not enough time in some, but it was a good day.

You may have to click on this one to get it big enough to read. I think this was on the Newseum Building, right next to the Canadian Embassy. By the time we got here we felt we'd walked way too many miles and we were ready to get back to Union Station and our car. In all we got to DC about 10 am and got back to Union Station about 6 pm, a long day of walking and standing.

On Saturday, we decided to drive to Delaware so we could see that state. We had decided not to take the coach into Delaware because you can't get into the state without going over some kind of toll road or bridge. This is a scenic view looking over the WWII Monument across the river at the Naval Academy at Annapolis.

The Naval Academy reminded us more of a really old college campus. It is a really pretty campus and has LOTS of really old buildings. We only drove around the campus because we couldn't find any parking anywhere (there was a wedding at the chapel).

This is Camden, DE just outside Dover. There was street after street of these row houses built really close to the road. Delaware was a surprise to us, much more rural and smaller town instead of so much urban.

This is a farm in Delaware. There were lots of farms and vegetable stands. We also saw fields of asparagus, we haven't seen that since Walla Walla! Once we crossed the Bay Bridge over the Chesapeake Bay we were in much more rural country. It was a really pretty drive and we had a really good day!
Oh, how I would love to go to D.C. Next time your there I think Jason and I should fly out and meet you!! So fun!! I'm jealous of all the museums you got to visit!
—DocuDoctor said...
Thanks for sharing! Cool pix and descriptions of your time. :-)
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