Yesterday we took Andy to a doggy motel so we could be at Di & Ricks' house by 6:30 this morning! From there we drove straight to the Florida Turnpike and drove to Homestead (south of Miami). At Homestead, you have to get onto US 1 to get to Key West. It's about 30 miles from there to Key Largo (the first Key) and 138 miles to Key West (the furthest south that you can drive to). US 1 is a narrow 2 lane road (kinda of like US 95 except there's water on BOTH sides of US 1. It's slow going, but a beautiful drive.

It's actually cooled down here, too. I think it only got up to about 80 degrees today so it was really nice. It's supposed to cool down to 73 tonight (yes, we have the air conditioning on!) The fence in the first picture is actually to keep the alligators off the roadbed! That's the Everglades behind the fence (I missed getting the picture of the "alligator crossing" sign that we saw.) The second picture just shows some of the keys that group to form the Florida Keys. They actually started with mangrove trees growing in the water. After awhile they start collecting soil and sediment and finally form a key (this process takes many hundreds of years.)
I had to get a picture of the boys watching the birds on Duval street as we walked by. The were so cute! The cage just behind Koby has a snake in it! I also got a picture of a guy with a bird on his shoulder when I was taking a picture of lots of flowers (I didn't see the guy until after I took the picture.)
Key West has lots of fun houses build in the Victorian style. Lots of the houses have gingerbread molding on them, one even has little

gingerbread men in a row all around. It's really a fun house to see!
We got to ride on the Conch Train with the kids all around Key West today. It's a good introduction to the Key and you get a lot of history about the Key while riding on the train. The boys were really excited about the ride. Those are supposed to be engineer hats they're wearing.

Howard and Rick didn't even make very many snide remarks about the tour. We went to both ends of the key and all around the older area of the key. Key West is 5 miles long and 1 mile wide and one of the biggest keys. There's lots of military on the key, mostly Naval Air Base. There's a good harbor on the north side of the key too. On the south side there's some beach, but no harbor because of all the reefs around the island.
This is a building built by the federal government to their specifications. It has a sloped roof so the snow will slide off easily and there are 17 fireplaces in the building so no one will get cold in the winter when the temperatures drop into the 70s! Our tax dollars at work more than 100 years ago! The statue in front of the building was really cool too.

To finish our day we got to eat dinner in a really cute little restaurant that sits under the 7 mile bridge. We seated on the patio facing west with the bridge behind us. As you can see, the sunset was beautiful tonight!
Tomorrow we'll celebrate Thanksgiving with a barbecue on our deck at the motel/suite we rented on Long Key. (The deck looks out onto the swimming pool and the Gulf of Mexico.) We'll go swimming tomorrow afternoon. We may just hang around and swim on Friday too. That's what you do in the Keys -- just hang around!!!!
Have a Happy Thanksgiving. We miss all of our family and friends and we'll be thinking about you tomorrow!