Brochures say this is the most photographed spot on the Trails (Oregon, Oregon & Mormom). It is impressive. We saw it coming from the west and could see it for about 12 miles out. The pioneers could probably see it from a lot further out coming from the east. At this point they were a third of their way west and only through the easiest part of the trail.
Scott's Bluff is about 20 miles west of Chimney Rock (about two days travel for the pioneers). Those on the Oregon and California Trails had to pass through the little pass about half way along the bluffs. The Mormon Trail was on the north side of the North Platte River so they didn't have to go through the gap.

This is a close up of the gap in Scott's Bluff. The road was very narrow and rocky so going was slow up through here.

This is the Oregon and California Trail between what looks like mounds on either side of the path. The ruts were so deep they were indented about four feet. Usually the Trail was many wagons wide, but anywhere they had to go single file really scarred the landscape to the extent the ruts are plainly visible today.

After leaving Nebraska we drove through Wyoming. The brochures we bought said the landscape in Wyoming is much the same as when the pioneers crossed in wagons over a 150 years ago. They aren't kidding, we really had to plan fuel and camp sites. There were sections where we drove 25-50 miles with only exits to ranches or coal plants, no towns or fuel stops.

It was just nice to see a road that curved and a hill higher than a few hundred feet. We camped at 6700 feet just outside Green River, Wyoming. As we were breaking camp to move it started to snow and snowed most of the morning, off and on, first we'd seen since last year! None was sticking on the road so good day of travel.

We met some good friends and neat people in Florida who are making their first trip to the west this summer. We were trying to explain to them that sometimes you just see an exit for a ranch way out in the middle of nowhere. When we saw one, we had to put it on our blog.

This is Emigrant Pass. The Railroad now goes through this pass and some of the California and Mormon Trains went through this pass. Found some really good booklets put out by the Department of the Interior on the different trails, landmarks along the trails , and some of the history of each trail. They were really good for describing each trail and some of the stuff the pioneers went through. Would love to follow the trails from east to west one summer.

The Devil's Slide is in Ogden Canyon. Its pretty impressive.

This winter, one of our friends asked if we knew what a cattle guard was. Howard pulled off at a random exit with cattle guards, so I had to get a picture of one. We've had a great adventure driving from Florida to Idaho and it has made us realize how much more there is to see. So much history along the east coast. Every area is beautiful in its own way. We really do live in a beautiful country and when it comes to traveling: we are not done yet!!!!!
1 comment:
You're getting closer!!!!! Are you coming our way?
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