After the Freightliner Chassis Owner's Club Rally in Harrisburg, Oregon (by Eugene), we camped in McMinnville for the weekend so Howard could see the Spruce Goose. He's wanted to do that for a long time. The plane's wings go from one end of the huge building to the other and from front to tail in the width of the huge building. It really is something to see!

This picture was taken from the balcony overlooking the plane. I still couldn't get the whole plane in the picture, but you can see how large it is by comparing the size of the people going into the plane. The cockpit was on the second floor above where we went in to see the inside of the plane.

There were some really neat exhibits. I liked this one of the WWII jeep and fighter plane. They also had an aerospace area and planes used in the war on terror.

These are some of the bi-planes that you see at the exhibit. The exhibit is privately owned, but definitely worth seeing. From McMinnville, we drove up to Tualatin, just south of Portland. We got to go out to dinner with cousins, Beth & John, and had a really good visit with them! It was really fun to catch up on their kids and their life.

Not a great picture, but we had to get a picture of Powell's City of Books in downtown Portland. Four floors and a full city block for just one area of the store was pretty impressive. It was a good thing they gave us a map of the store as we went in!!

On our way to the Oregon Coast on US 6, we stopped at the Tillamook Forest Center. It has displays of the fires of 1933, 1939 and 1951. All in all almost 400,000 acres burned. They didn't think they'd ever see trees growing again, but the forest is really lush and beautiful today.

This is just inside the Tillamook Cheese Factory. We ate lunch here and toured the factory. It was pretty cool. We bought squeeky cheese, but we didn't have any ice cream (unbelievable, huh?!)

After leaving Tillamook, we drove over to Lookout Point. Although it was a rainy, foggy day it was really beautiful, too! This picture is looking north from the beach toward the rocks.

This picture is looking south towards Lincoln City. I just love it when the clouds hug the mountains.

This is Howard and Andy walking the beach at Lincoln City. As we were leaving Lincoln City, we got a call from cousins, Dave & Kaylene, we got to meet them for dinner that night at California Pizza and had a really good visit with them. The next night we drove to Pendleton and went out to cousins, Carl and Elizabeth's, and had some of Carl's really good salmon. After dinner, we got to go to a fundraiser at the Art Gallery where Elizabeth used to work. That was really fun too. We're in Boise now visiting with lots of family! Last night we went to a wake for a cousin, Rick, who passed away after a very quick, horrible bout with cancer. He was the oldest of four and all of his siblings were here, plus Beth & John from Portland, Kay and Bob from Nampa and Betsy's sisters, Kathy and Jane and her husband, Fred. We had lots of good visits with Donnie and her kids especially since we haven't seen them for quite a long time. The past few weeks have just reinforced to us how important family is and the bond that holds us all together!