What do you do while waiting for your coach in Tupelo, MS? Visit the house Elvis was born in (already did that); drive the Natchez Trace (already did that, too); go to the Tupelo Battlefield with marker, maps, and cannon (very interesting and actually 3 battles fought here); visit the Oren Dunn City Museum and Veterans Museum (we always enjoy area museums and this one was interesting); visit the Tupelo Automobile Museum with over a 100 cars dating from 1899 to 1994 (that was really fun too!)
I only got a few pictures of the Tupelo Battlefield, but it was interesting to

stop there to see the area, especially the map that showed all the skirmishes that were in the area.
The museum told not only the history of Tupelo, but the area. Tupelo was a capital of the Chickasaw Nation and wasn't settled until just before the Civil War. Union soldiers blew up tressels and bridges on either side of the settlement and set up some sort of headquarters here. Interesting history.
The Automobile Museum had several cars from the 1800s and quite a few from 1900 through about 1920. They were sure different! The '60s cars we liked were the Vet and the Tbird right next to each other. There was one car that had 14 made 0 sold and of course there was an Edsel.
I took a picture of the hard top convertible because I remember the television commercials. There was also the car from "The Great Race" and LOTS of other neat cars.

We also made a trip to Sherman RV yesterday ... and ... WE SAW OUR NEW COACH!!!!!! They have to go through it to make sure everything is good to go today, but they said we should be there tomorrow morning so we can do the paperwork and move in! YEAH!!! Then we get to drive 1700 miles to Phoenix again.
I promise to take pictures as soon as I can and get them on the blog. The coach was in a garage when we saw it with all the slides closed so I wouldn't have been able to get a good shot.