"We're in our roost."We got to Phoenix early (the last week of October) and have had fun helping Brian with projects and playing with Grayson. We have started walking every morning again and spotted this bush not far from our RV. There are lots of these around this time of year and they are really pretty. It has cooled down a bit here, only in the 70s, perfect weather! We love it. We will be having Thanksgiving at Brian's house this year, should be fun. I'll try to remember to take pictures to post.
I had my appointment with an endocrinologist in Glendale and will be going on thyroid probably next week. She did a scan and another blood test to see where my thyroid is now. I get to start on samples to see which one works. She also gave me information to help me start the weight loss process. (That should be fun?!)
It's nice to be settled for a bit again. I've started lots of projects: skirt, purse, blouse, and craft bag. And I'm crocheting blocks for an afghan to give away.