It's been awhile since we've driven from Boise to Moscow and we picked a beautiful day. We had sunshine in southern Idaho, but as we got north of New Meadows we started to see clouds. Traveling through the Salmon River canyon was beautiful with the clouds starting to really move in so I took shots of 1) driving down the canyon, 2) rounding the bend before Slate Creek, 3) the road to Pittsburgh Landing in Hells Canyon, 4) looking at Whitebird hill, and 5) the view from the top of Whitebird hill.
Boise visit: We had a really good visit with family while staying in Boise (didn't get any pictures!) We had a barbecue at Jane's house with her whole family on Memorial

Day and a picnic in my Mom's backyard with the whole family there. We also got to see a lot of Loriann, because she took a 3 and a 4 day weekend while we were there. It was really good to see everyone and to get to help Loriann with projects around her house (good excuse to spend the day with her!)
I especially liked shopping with someone who also likes to shop. We camped in Grangeville Thursday night and got word that our friend Josh was going into surgery the next morning, he was one sick young man. Josh made it through the surgery and was stable Friday night. Early Saturday morning we got the word that Josh had "gone home." The service

yesterday was really beautiful. There were probably close to 500 people in attendance. Josh touched a lot of lives in his 23 years. He looked at each day as a gift from his Father in Heaven, and he loved and was loved by many. I am very glad to say that I knew him and knew him well enough to love him and to mourn his passing and I look forward to seeing him again.
Brighter note: We have gotten to see lots of friends while visiting, and we've been able to renew lots of friendships. We have lots of people who are special to us in the Moscow area. It was good to spend time there visiting. Hopefully our next visit will be on a happier note. I didn't take any pictures while

visiting Moscow either (I've gotten really bad since we've been in Idaho.) We did enjoy our visits with friends though and we got all our doctor appointments done for another year!!! That was a really good thing! Our next stop will be Lewiston to visit Howard's Mom and 2 brothers for a week or so. First we'll drive over to Bridgeport, WA to go to one of Howard's Aunt's 93d birthday. It should be fun to see family on his side and visit with them for the day. Family is so important and we have to make the most of our time with them.
Newsflash: We have been full-time RVing now for one full year! We moved into our 5th wheel on 8 June 2008. Yes, we're
still loving it and plan to see a lot more of this great country! We've met a lot of neat people this year and we've gotten to spend lots more time with our family. That's a good thing -- RIGHT!